A Conversation for Zeno's Paradox
Zeno's Paradox ignores the changes in time?
lmno Started conversation Dec 29, 2002
Where T = Time, D is Distance, S is Speed, and
T = D / S
D = S x T
S = D / T.
If we're concentrating on time, how is is measured? T = D / S
Time is defined in relation to distance and speed.
Zeno's paradox can apply equally well to time as to distance. Where any thing (i.e. point in space, point in time) is different to another thing there must another thing between those two things which is neither of them... if there wasn't, then the two things would not be seperate and would be one thing :D
Where PiT is a "Point in Time"
T = PiT[2] - PiT[1]
and T is expressed in a particular unit of measurement.
There isn't really anything here for anyone to argue about. What is T? It depends on how you measure your time, and how accurately you can identify any specific point in time.
If you want to specify the time of a train service, then T is measured in minutes, and expressed as a time in (perhaps) the 24 hour clock format.
If the Liverpool to Manchester train arrives at platform 1 in Patricroft at 15:45, it isn't late until 15:46 comes round. There are 60 whole seconds for it to be on time. Why they can't manage to be on time every time given that much lee way is beyond me... but let's imagine there is a good reason why First Northwestern find that amount of time insufficient to provide a reliable service....
Why not simply increase the amount of time they have in which to be on time? Easy, use miliseconds as the unit of emasurement Now they have 1000 times more time slots available for arrival....
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Zeno's Paradox ignores the changes in time?
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