A Conversation for 'Weird Al' Yankovic - Singer and Songwriter

Calling all earthlings...

Post 1


New Weird Al-bum in the stores May 20th for those of you luckiy enough to be in the US - Poodle Hat smiley - cool

Guess I'll have to go import it, again smiley - winkeye

Calling all earthlings...

Post 2


are cd players compatible? i know video and dvd aren't, not sure about audio... i could send you one smiley - smiley

*gets tent ready to camp at storefront*
smiley - tongueout

Calling all earthlings...

Post 3


Actually, they are! smiley - cheers

Calling all earthlings...

Post 4


the offer stands smiley - smiley

i hope this means he'll be on tour over the summer smiley - bigeyes

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