A Conversation for 'Airwolf' - the TV Series
That Spectrum Game
Langly Started conversation Apr 5, 2001
Was anyone else really disappointed with the Airwolf Spectrum game in that the Airwolf sprite looked nothing like the real helicopter? (I don't mean really real 'cos it wasn't real, was it?!)
And another thing, Streehawk, why didn't he go flying over the handlebars whenever he did a 200mph mega quantum booster 180° turn, or whatever it was called...
aaaaaah, Caitlin.......
That Spectrum Game
Bright Blue Shorts Posted Apr 6, 2001
Would that be similar to the front wheel 180 turn "Tom Cruise" does in MI2? I guess it would come down to effective weight transferrance etc ......
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That Spectrum Game
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