A Conversation for 'Airwolf' - the TV Series

It's Alive!

Post 1

Mr Prophet (General Purpose Genre Guru)

Nice entry, displaying a tremendous sacrifice in the form of actually watching more than five episodes of the series.

Or maybe I have seen more than five episodes and they just all blur together.

I definitely remember one where they did the old 'been in a coma for five years trick' on Hawke to get him to tell them where Airwolf was, but it went awry, apparently because they could afford a whole hospital floor and stooge doctors and some guy pretending to be St John (I have an image now of a doped-up Bible prophet coming in and asking where the helicopter was hidden), and a whole bunch of brainwashing technology, but had to give him a real nurse who rumbled the scheme.

Or something.

And also I recall that the plans for making a new Airwolf were stored on the helicopter's onboard computer and nowhere else, promting the designer to claim that Airwolf was 'alive' as it knew how to make little Airwolves.

Oh; and there was Redwolf, the second Airwolf which - natch - got stolen by dubious types and had to be shot down.

And the theme tune really did rock.

If only we cold have slimmed down to just the helicopter and the theme tune, but then something similar could be said of Knight Rider ("I'm sorry Michael; but I really feel you're letting the side down and I'd be better off on my own, so I'm shooting you out of the ejector seat now.") or Streethawk.

On second thoughts, maybe we could just get Streethawk down to the theme music.

The Prophet.

It's Alive!

Post 2

Bright Blue Shorts

Nice comments - Proph smiley - smiley

Your knowledge of the series however shows just a little than might be considered good for the average sane person ...... smiley - winkeye Sounds like you could have given some valuable input at the PR stage.

BTW do you remember "Highwayman" too?

It's Alive!

Post 3

Mr Prophet (General Purpose Genre Guru)

I have no memory of Highwayman (although perhaps it would come back to haunt me if I saw it).

As for the subject of my sanity, while I didn't add anything to this article (or any other) at Peer Review, I challenge any man, woman or SGFCFAC to remain sane after watching five minutes of ROAR!

That's all I managed though; five minutes. I; who have sat through whole episodes of Tarzan: The Epic Adventures; of The Voyages of Sinbad; of - God hep me - The Legend of William 'my crossbow is backwards' Tell.

ROAR! is - without a doubt - the most execrable piece of television I have ever seen; and I've watched almost an episode of Team Knight Rider!

Come back Manimal! All is forgiven!

The Prophet.

It's Alive!

Post 4

Bright Blue Shorts

ROAR! never heard of it. I'll watch out for it - not smiley - smiley

Highwayman was this programme starring the guy who played Flash Gordon in the 1980 film (Sam someone?). Although by then his hair had turned black. Anyway he was called Highwayman because he drove this big black juggernaut around. Excitingly it had a helcopter concealed in the back. There was some Australian bloke too, who was "Highway's" mate. This gave it a bit of a Mad Max feel. Beyond that I don't remember much. Maybe TV cream can help .....

It's Alive!

Post 5

Mr Prophet (General Purpose Genre Guru)

Sam J Jones.

You know; I always wondered if they told him and the girl playing Dale that the film was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek?

Never saw Highwayman though.

The Prophet.

It's Alive!

Post 6

JAVAM - Muse of Complicated User Pages and Navel Contemplation

Weren't all of Sam Jones' lines dubbed over with someone else’s voice as his was thought to be too deep?

Also am I right in thinking the Street Hawk Theme was a Tangerine Dream creation?

Not seen ROAR either TKR sucks big time, about the only thing worse was that Hulk Hogan series with the 'super' boat. A very, very, very poor attempt to return to the 80's super *insert vehicle type here* formulae.

It's Alive!

Post 7

Mr Prophet (General Purpose Genre Guru)

Thunder in Paradise...Urm, which I've never seen.

Actually, I really haven't seen it; I didn't have the stomach.

And Street Hawk was indeed themed by Tangerine Dream (who also did a weirdy synth version of 'Walking in the Air' for the closing music of the deeply bizarre film, The Keep).

The Prophet.

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