A Conversation for Flamenco


Post 1


Thank you for pointing this one out! smiley - smiley

'Nonniesmiley - rose


Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thank you, Nonnie...smiley - blush


Post 3


smiley - fish
.OoOO..OOO..ooO..oOo..o.. ..oOO..o..oOoo..OoOo..OOO..OO..o.. .. .smiley - smiley.


Post 4

Titania (gone for lunch)

Now, where did I put that bubbly beeblefish?


Post 5

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - fish


Post 6

Titania (gone for lunch)

Oh no - not again! I thought it was alright for us to use bubbly!smiley - sadface

Just after getting over being moderated yesterday for typing (in English) with a heavy Swedish accent!


Post 7

Titania (gone for lunch)

[wondering if the Moderator has the tool mentioned here: <./>A519662#5</.>]


Post 8


Ya can't type with an accent??? You gotta be fugging kidding. smiley - grr

At least they're putting the bubblish back, eventually.. well.. most of it, anyway. smiley - sigh


Post 9

Titania (gone for lunch)

Bubblish only back if the Italics are online, but not if left to the Moderator/s...

...and we got away with the accent at first, but then there was a change of shift, new Moderator, who obviously didn't bother to even try to figure out that 'vått' = 'what' or 'immädschineishönn' = 'imagination'...

Sometimes it feels a bit hazardous if your postings will be Moderated or not - some Moderators are smiley - ok and some are nitpicky... it all seems to depend on who's on duty at the time...

...but my postings were reinstated by one of the Italics, who also apologized to me - but I had already been offended - it would have been better if it had never happened in the first place!


Post 10


*nods* 'Twould indeed!

<< it all seems to depend on who's on duty at the time..>>
... and how much power they wish to weild. smiley - grr

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