God(dess) gave you a brain

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What is wrong with using your brain?

What is wrong with curiosity?

What is wrong with tossing out the old wive's tales and the new preacher's tales and just going outside and taking a look around you?

What's wrong with going down to the park and watching the children play?

What's wrong with drawing a picture when everyone told you you can't draw?

What's wrong with going to work with the radio off and creating a song with your car-mates? Who cares if none of you can sing?

What's wrong with taking the day off to play with your sock drawer?

What's wrong with sitting down with your five year old and creating a sacred book of your own?

What's wrong with challenging a tradition that doesn't seem to have anything propping it up but old guys?

What's wrong with going down to the library, closing your eyes and checking out a book without knowing what it is?

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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