A Conversation for The Story of Cement

Some tiny points for the Editors

Post 1


In the editing process (for which I thank you) there are four tiny points that have appeared and which might be corrected before you send the entry to the archives.

Para 2 : practice not practise
Para 3 : much as the Romans, not much like
Para 6 : it is not the 'Hudson Canal', but the 'Hudson and Delaware Canal system (You will find the correct apellation in the peer review thread, which I cannot access.)
Para 9 : cement, manufacture not cement: manufacture

Sorry to be picky.

Some tiny points

Post 2



Some tiny points

Post 3


Picks are indeed useful tools when dealing with concrete!

This was my first contribution to the guide, and I didn't see the point in letting it go uncorrected. Now, I may be a little more relaxed about such things. Whether that is good or bad is arguable.

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