A Conversation for How to Get a Possum off your Dresser
Possum Comments
The Apprentice Started conversation Nov 20, 2000
[Just in case you miss the message at your Home]
Had a quick poke in here, following my comments - and noted that the entry currently includes a
note to say that some of my comments have been included in the Entry. If credit is going to be
offered (pwease) can you either credit myself and Pokl Ping (U141936) OR just Pokl Ping. She's
my wife and she'd kill me if I got credit for these comments. She's from Australia and the
comments AREN'T hearsay... they're personal experience! She has personal paralysed an errant
Possum in just this fashion. Don't ask me what she did with it afterwards... but General Stores
can be very hard to come by and Australians aren't known for being strict vegetarians. OK...
don't mention to her that I said that!
[Thanks for anything you can do]
Possum Comments
Ashley Posted Nov 20, 2000
I'm just reading the text at the moment and will credit your wife - I'd hate to be the source of any marital strife.
Great entry
Possum Comments
Is mise Duncan Posted Nov 30, 2000
Ashley replies in verse - cool.
Erm, anyway - is there a way of preventing possums coming in the house in the first place? What about a few tips on that?
Possum Comments
Bruce Posted Nov 30, 2000
We once had a possum stuck behind a wall panel for a few days - the pest bloke who came to extract it was dressed in leather gauntlets, apron & all sorts of safety gear. We thought he was a wimp. He also suggested that we take *all* the furniture out of the room to prevent it being damaged.
Later, from behind the closed door came the sounds of a monumental struggle - lasting about 10 minutes. The pest guy emerged with a caged possum, shredded gauntlets & apron & a guilty expression.
He apologised for the damage to the wall panelling - it all required replacing. There were possum tracks/scars up to 6 feet (2 metres) up the wall *all* the way round where the possum had done laps of the room, cartoon style.
The pest guy also need more than 50 stiches.
Poke it with a toilet brush indeed
Possum Comments
Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2 Posted Nov 30, 2000
I'll remember the advice if and when I come across a possum on my property.The only creatures that are anywhere remotely the size of possums around here are foxes and badgers.Badgers are definitely shy of us humans and would give me and my house a wide berth but foxes are pretty cheeky really.They walk about my garden(while I'm in it) and down the street in broad daylight and are pretty frank and vocal when mating.They knock over my refuse bins but never have so far ventured in the house.The question that came to mind is just how dangerous is a possum and is it more dangerous than a raccoon?
Mind dangerous things don't necessarily come in large sizes.When I was a child in Nigeria we were terrified of mosquitoes and scorpians(well my mother was)so I spent my sleeping hours under wraps and my first minutes of every day tapping out my shoes.My mother was terrified of everything even ants.Good job she never knew about my pet chameleon that wandered around the shrubbery outside the house.
Possum Comments
Bruce Posted Nov 30, 2000
Possums are pretty timid - it's just that they have these long claws for climbing trees & they're strong (hanging around in trees all day does that) - & they're usually in such a hurry to get away they don't worry about getting a little wheel spin as they run across your leg .
I have no idea how they compare to badgers or racoons as we don't have them here. Foxes are far more prone to being gone before you see them than Aussie possums.
Possum Comments
Princess Bride Posted Dec 12, 2000
I noticed that during editing someone put apostrophes in "its" which in possessive, where it is in the entry, is incorrect. It should only be "it's" when it means "it is." The only reason I'm being picky is cause it's mine... Thanks for making it look pretty. Sorry I haven't been on in a while.
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Possum Comments
- 1: The Apprentice (Nov 20, 2000)
- 2: Ashley (Nov 20, 2000)
- 3: Is mise Duncan (Nov 30, 2000)
- 4: Bruce (Nov 30, 2000)
- 5: Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2 (Nov 30, 2000)
- 6: Bruce (Nov 30, 2000)
- 7: Princess Bride (Dec 12, 2000)
- 8: Ashley (Dec 12, 2000)
- 9: Princess Bride (Dec 26, 2000)
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