A Conversation for Venice, California, USA

Visiting Venice

Post 1

Researcher 190855

This entry is an accurate description of the Venice beachfront. What you'll miss though, if you keep only to the beach, are the quiet, little canals only two blocks in from the beachfront. It's not just one canal, but a small network of 6 canals that are then connected by a waterway, running the length of the Silver Strand, to the Marina. The homes are a very lovely jumble of styles, policed by an ever vigilant army of ducks and lazy housecats.

A few blocks over, you'll also find Abbott Kinney Boulevard named for our beloved town founder. Abbot Kinney Boulevard is filled with funky and very charming shops as well as extremely tasty restaurants. The pizza at Abbott's Pizza Company is surely the best on the west side of Los Angeles. Also visit Wabi-Sabi for excellent sushi. Craft oriented types will want to stop by The Goddess where French expatriate Sandrine will help you craft handmade, and very reasonably priced, jewelry for your loved one.

I won't tell you where they live but you may also see famous Venice residents Viggo Mortensen, Julia Roberts, and others out and about in the surrounding streets.

Also check out Main Street, 2 blocks over from the beach and heading North for pubs, cafes, and the like.

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