A Conversation for 'Call My Bluff' - the TV Series

The Real 'Call My Bluff'

Post 1

The Apprentice

What the devil is going on here? What happened to the historical perspective on things? The current version of 'Call My Bluff' is merely a modern day reincarnation of the original programme that has been running since 1965 and was based on an American quiz show concept.

What about the original host Robin Ray and the opposing team captains Robert Morely (a common sight in post-war British comedies) and the witty raconteur Frank Muir - the man of a million quips? Frank survived until the end when the show was axed sometime in the early nineties, I believe - and sadly died in 1998. Along the way the host position was filled by Joe Melia, Peter Wheeler and finally Robert Robinson. In comparison to the undoubted talents of Bob Holness, Robert Robinson was something of a titan. Combining the appearance of some kind of university librarian with witty retorts and the ability to handle the rowdy mob of the captains, he remains a lasting image of the perfect quiz show hosts from a halcyon era.

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The Real 'Call My Bluff'

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