A Conversation for How to Teach your Child the Basics
Throw Everything Out of the Window
Gwennie Started conversation Oct 29, 2000
My eldest child has had most of the advice given here applied and I like to think (the onset of puberty apart ) that she is a well-educated and well-rounded individual.
However, when your child has autism, you can throw all conventional advice out of the window, as we had to do with youngest child, Christopher.
Everything becomes a matter of extreme patience and trial and error, which isn't helped by inadequate advice by health officials that don't even recognise the condition and an obstructive Local Education Authority that has its budget as a hidden agenda.
Throw Everything Out of the Window
Sam Posted Oct 30, 2000
I can't help but feel real sympathy for your situation and for others in a similar situation. If you ever have the time, please consider writing an Entry on autism - I'm sure it would help raise a little more awareness and you could always direct people to your entry once it's in the Guide.
Anyway, best of luçk
Throw Everything Out of the Window
Gwennie Posted Oct 30, 2000
Thanks for your good wishes, Sam.
I have frequently thought about writing a Guide entry on autism but feel that, like my initial posting which I made whilst feeling a bit cheesed off (for which I apologise), it may turn in to a rant about inadequate health officials and tight-fisted Local Education Authorities.
Anyhow, I'd probably lock h2g2 up when I posted it as it would be pretty large in content and make anyone who read it very depressed indeed!
Throw Everything Out of the Window
Barney's Bucksaws Posted Oct 30, 2000
I agree with Sam. Write an entry! I, personally, have no experience with autism, and know little about it. Perhaps health officials and education authorities deserve a rant.
Throw Everything Out of the Window
Gwennie Posted Oct 30, 2000
Gosh! Thanks...Well, I'll certainly think about it and if I do submit an article, will remember to blame the pair of you when people start to complain! LOL
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Throw Everything Out of the Window
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