Topic of the Week: How should the NHS be funded?

5 Conversations

Some pills.

The National Health Service in the UK has been running for nearly 60 years now, and is funded by UK taxpayers. Before the NHS all medical services had to be paid for, and not everyone could afford to visit the doctor. If they could, they then often couldn't afford to pay for any prescribed medicine. Many people relied on home remedies, or those doctors who gave their time for free to charities.

Most of us can't remember a time when healthcare wasn't free, but it remains an important political issue in the UK. So this week, we ask:

  • How should the NHS be funded?

  • All taxpayers pay for medical services, whether or not they use them. Does this system work well, or should we only pay services as and when we use them?

  • There is a charge for prescription drugs; for some people this is free, but when the charge is more expensive than the drug, should we be entitled to a refund of the difference? When drugs are more expensive, should we be charged more?

  • Should we be entitled to 'trade' an NHS hospital appointment for a private one to avoid a long wait by paying the difference?

  • What about an 'opt-out' version of the NHS? We can chose whether we want to pay into it or not, and make our own medical arrangements.

  • How does the system in the UK compare with its overseas counterparts?

  • Is the NHS the best thing since sliced bread? Do you remember the pre-NHS days?

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