Borovets - Bulgaria

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Visited in Feb 1997

A short trip from the Capital Sofia, but a hell of a long one from the Black Sea coast where our Plane landed (12 hour Coach trip at 60mph in incredibly thick Fog!).

The Apres Ski was excellent Beer and Wine V. cheap - Local Wine v. good - try the local speciality Slivovitz - a lethal Plum Brandy. Food - OK - loads of it, mostly edible.

Skiing - not so good. Accessible only by a cable car to the summit, and then a short - ski boot clad - walk, the slopes were dissapointing. When we were there it needed much more snow, with no man made snow at all.

The Skiing was Fairly good for Beginners - a nice gentle nursery slope once you get to the snow, intermediates had only 2-3 runs open to them, experienced Skiers had a bit more - but got bored by end of week - didn't mind missing a days skiing! Even with loads of snow experienced skiers will get bored.

Very Cheap when I went, my friends felt it was a good introduction to skiing. Nowadays its more expensive - worth spending a bit more and going somewhere else.

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