A Conversation for Circular Breathing
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Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner) Started conversation Sep 25, 2000
Good Entry!
It gives very helpful advice to master the biomechanical part of circular breathing.
The more difficult part, however, is not to lose control of your tone when you change from "lung support" to "cheek support".
tone change....
Crescent Posted Sep 25, 2000
...basically it comes down to practise (or so I have heard), someone who can do it said to practice with a straw in a glass of water. I can circular breath, but you can tell when the change happens I havn't got around to practising enough (though with the didge, it is not so important - but would be good to do
Until later.....
BCNU - Crescent
tone change....
Afgncaap5 Posted Sep 25, 2000
Still, even with the difficulties involved in tone change, I've gotta say that this entry is going to help me with my saxophone playing. It'll take a while to get it down, though...
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