A Conversation for Kensal Green Cemetery, Kensal Green, London

cemetry visit

Post 1

a visitor to planet earth

Hi , well I went around the cemetry today. I think a guided tour would have been better for me, to see all the high spots of the tour.
the cemetry has a lot of subsidence, in fact some of the external walls look to me to be in danger of collapse. A lot of the old grave stones cannot be read so someone with knowledge would have been a help.
No toilets there no problem for me, but my friend was shy and we had to go to a local pub.

cemetry visit

Post 2

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Yes, thank you so much for the information about this cemetry. I got dragged round it for about an hour smiley - yawn would've probably been longer had I not whinged about the need to find a loo, & refused point blank to go behind a bush smiley - yikes.

I'll attempt to be serious, smiley - smiley Are the pictures used in the entry from this actual cemetry?

smiley - rose

cemetry visit

Post 3


Yes they are.... there used to be loos there... I'll see what I can find out as I know that the cemetery has some plans afoot.

cemetry visit

Post 4

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Perks of the job eh, being able to use photo's where the rest of us mortals have to hope our entries are one of the lucky ones that gets an excellent picture from the community artists. smiley - jestersmiley - smiley

It does make an entry look a whole lot better when 'real' photos are used, it adds so much to an entry, IMO more 'real' photos should be used in entries. smiley - smiley

smiley - rose

cemetry visit

Post 5


Ot is one of the perks - but it also allows the Artitsts to illustrate more of your entries to an excellent standard... Lord Snowdon I'm not smiley - smiley

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