A Conversation for Lost Words
Snaf Started conversation Aug 23, 2000
How about 'disinterested'? Originally it meant impartial or unbiased, now it is generally used interchangeably with 'uninterested'. Dictionary compilers guided by public usage (rather than proscriptiveness) seem to have decided its original meaning is on the way out.
Spherical Cows Incorporated Posted Aug 23, 2000
In much the same way I'd point out "indifferent", which originally means "making no difference between things; treating them equally" and now means "not caring about something".
So an indifferent judge used to be a GOOD thing... and now just means that he or she is burned out.
raven Posted Aug 24, 2000
Mmm? These seem to be examples of sloppy use, rather than an actual change. In any case they do not tickle my funny bone.
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