The Bill Gates Must Die! Society

3 Conversations

How best to program a Windows-based computer... Do you think Bill Gates is the scum of the earth?
Does "WinBlows" crash on you at least twenty billion times a day?
Do you hate how "Internet Exploder" dominates your computer no matter how many repeated attempts you've made to stop it?
Does Microsoft seem to be an evil branch of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation?
Most of all, do you sometimes feel that the best way to reprogram your computer would be with a chainsaw, sledgehammer, or destructive equivalent???

If you answered "yes" to at least one of those questions, then you are perfect member material for the Bill Gates Must Die Society, the #1 place to let out your endless frustrations and band together against the Microsoft Monopoly!!

Our Mission

  • To rid the world of computers and programs that do more harm than good.
  • To help each other cope with this endless frustration.
  • To bring blame to the one person who is ultimately responsible for this ongoing menace.
  • To bring together all the researchers of H2G2 who feel that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!
  • Requirements for Membership

    Really, there aren't any--except that you have to agree with the basic point of this club (no kidding), and your computer has to keep from crashing long enough for you to post your intent to join in one of my "Welcome to the club" forums. Oh, and if you can come up with some kind of clever rank for yourself, you're quite welcome to add that in the forum as well.

    Our Members

    The Corrupt One--Founder and Assassin Trainer

    Colonel Sellers--Chief of Explosives Procurement

    Psycho Girl--Head of the Psychotic Plots and Schemes Department

    Phoenix W. Devine--Head of the Anti-Brainwashing and Anti-Indoctrination Division

    NYC Student

    Tashalls--Head of Reconnaissance

    King Wolf--Chief European Executioner

    jimmiejaz--Defender of the Superior OS

    What h2g2 Researcher Think About Gates

    Here's some articles and rantings that h2g2 researchers have done about Bill Gates. Enjoy!
  • Bill Gates Gets His--One researcher's views on what might happen when Bill Gates gets back what he's been giving us.
  • Computers--A consise guide to using a computer from a researcher who's obviously been there and done that.
  • Gatanists--It's what you call someone who doesn't just use Winbloze, but LIKES using it!
  • Gates Bashing-The World's Favorite Pastime--This article speaks for itself with some rather...erm...interesting examples of why we hate Microsoft and Billy-Boy Gates.
  • How Many Microsoft Employees Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb?--As mysterious as the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything, this answer has finally been revealed in a short diatribe!
  • Microsoft--A researcher's quick summary of the problem and a proposed solution...
  • Microsoft--...and another researcher outlines exactly how big that problem is...
  • Microsoft Corporation--...and yet another defines the problem, but summarizes it as absolutely hopeless. You decide which of the above is true in your opinion.
  • Microsoft Support--Tips that may help you deal with the Microsoft Tech Support idiots and how to sort what's really true from what they want you to think is true, generated from a researcher's real-life experiences.
  • The Microsoft Blues--A perfect expression of what this researcher calls 'that Microsoft moment', when Windoze just crashes for no apparent reason. Perfect for anti-Gates therapy sessions.
  • What Do You Want To Reinstall Today?--Even more tips on where you can shove well as another good attempt at solving that one huge problem with your computer.

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