What do you want to reinstall today

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Obviously since you're reading this you've managed to get the hang of using one of these things. Not since the programmable VCR has a device caused so much confusion for so many people.
The worst question I get asked is "What does General Protection Fault mean"? My answer would be "you should ask Bill Gates". Actually you should ask him everytime it happens. Send him an email outlining exactly what it was that you did so horribly wrong to cause your computer to sprout a social conscience and go on strike. Use a helpful subject line like "Where are the cats?" or "Remember that cheese?".
If you don't get a response then you can assume that Bill doesn't give a pair of fetid dingos kidneys and type FORMAT C:. After you've done that you can safely install a real operating system like Linux or BeOS.
Failure is not an option: it now comes as standard.

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