Newcomers 2h2g2 Starting 17th July

1 Conversation

Here is a list of Newcomers to h2g2 who really started living from the week Starting
17th July 2000
. Mark Moxom must have been busy helping with the updating of h2g2 - the file I received did not have login dates and times. Do be friendly and say Hi and as the actress said to the Bishop "Please be gentle", the list is here for you to use.

1080 new pages of newcomers of which 156 have activated their page over the last week.

To help vist, without covering the same arear over and over - You will notice the list has been divided into headings of 10 newbies per heading. To choose the newcomers you wish to visit, please log into to forum bellow to see which headings are free. Place you choice of heading into the forum so others can see it has been allocated.

Thank You and Happy Posting

1) Newcomers 1 to 10

U145124  CoolerFlex
U145129  Grumpymann
U145132  Researcher Tuesday
U145134  Arondelle
U145155  Researcher 145155
U145160  mutley
U145175  TonicForAll
U145179  Titania
U145182  waffa
U145185  Ribbit420

2) Newcomers 11 to 20

U145189  StPletch
U145196  Researcher wintermute
U145203  Odin! The All Father!!
U145208  Musotech
U145211  cab
U145217  1.000.000 monkees
U145218  Gayane
U145222  The Anecdoter
U145234  Giltwist
U145239  Superluminal Fruitloop

3) Newcomers 21 to 30

U145244  Nineto
U145245  Triv
U145255  Researcher 145255
U145266  Researcher 145266
U145281  felixthecat
U145288  Researcher 145288
U145295  Neil
U145313  StainlessSteelRat
U145316  Spike D
U145329  icantthinkofacoolname

4) Newcomers 31 to 40

U145336  Nikki
U145366  SpiffyDoDa
U145369  alia
U145375  Liqui
U145385  Taminar
U145398  Ms. Ela the Ferret
U145412  XTC
U145418  Lucky
U145426  Manticora42
U145428  Researcher 145428

5) Newcomers 41 to 50

U145429  Nyxanomicon
U145432  Mr Quatto
U145435  huge
U145436  Clapdrix
U145443  Virginia
U145448  Dark Lord
U145459  Witchkit
U145461  Dan
U145463  the silver fox
U145466  DC

6) Newcomers 51 to 60

U145469  Wyrd
U145470  Researcher 145470
U145471  LuC4
U145482  Maxkill666
U145498  Back_Ache
U145502  BigBud
U145511  Nerdbert
U145512  Pete
U145513  dudalee
U145515  foog

7) Newcomers 61 to 70

U145522  Researcher 145522
U145531  Wazneeni
U145535  Backpack
U145538  Tara the what?
U145554  Molly Rizla
U145555  Meta4 (usually seen around here in lower case)
U145556  Researcher 145556
U145559  Zonc
U145562  Researcher 145562
U145565  Nelon

8) Newcomers 71 to 80

U145568  Lanc aka silvercrow
U145573  Researcher 145573
U145585  Satan
U145587  Censory Deprivation
U145594  SonicReducer
U145599  kcat94
U145607  Woody
U145615  Researcher 145615
U145624  Humble Daisy
U145626  Budgie

9) Newcomers 81 to 90

U145632  Orestes
U145637  Scumbag
U145655  Researcher 145655
U145656  Bidimus
U145657  Pandora
U145663  Doc Martin
U145664  rls
U145668  Michi
U145669  Bladerunner (the Director's cut)
U145672  N. Aeschylus

10) Newcomers 91 to 100

U145677  Hop
U145681  emnisted
U145683  Webgirl47
U145685  Researcher 145685
U145686  Dito
U145688  ladykaen
U145689  Steele
U145698  Joshuap42
U145699  Bulk
U145713  Obscure Silence

11) Newcomers101 to 110

U145716  Researcher 145716
U145717  telegram sam
U145721  Researcher Din
U145724  Medusa the Golden Dragon
U145733  Researcher 145733
U145739  Lazy traveller
U145740  Chard
U145744  NFM Choice
U145750  vwmax
U145761  XX-z7

12) Newcomers 111 to 120

U145777  Neuromancer
U145778  Hane
U145805  Artarux
U145806  Researcher 145806
U145812  Researcher 145812
U145824  Miranda
U145827  Linz
U145829  The Traveller
U145840  Paul of Gehenna
U145843  Researcher 145843

13) Newcomers 121 to 130

U145850  researcher mano 145850
U145851  gobelin
U145854  Hercules Parrot
U145857  Mostly Harmless
U145860  Researcher 145860
U145861  Ceiriog
U145868  Cohi Knifu. Goddess of Penguins!
U145872  Mackerelbus
U145876  MrCurtis
U145885  Researcher 145885

14) Newcomers 131 to 140

U145900  Twilit
U145901  Jezery
U145909  WayFarer145909
U145910  Cthulu
U145912  amanda_panda
U145921  -dr.plan
U145922  meagain
U145945  AMG
U145979  Spacegirl
U145982  Researcher 145982

15) Newcomers 141 to 150

U145986  Pheroneous
U145988  agent broccoli
U145994  Mahogany Twipet
U145999  THE Nate
U146008  pocketlint
U146009  Zombiewoof
U146023  Researcher 146023
U146025  phaser
U146037  Woodshop
U146043  Biscuit_Goddess

16) Newcomers 151 to 156

U146047  expressodog
U146048  Jonathan
U146049  [Otaku] Sir Will
U146051  Researcher 146051
U146057  Agent Skinny Wrists
U146069  Cenobyte

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