Police Statements

1 Conversation

So far the following statemnets have been made to the police I will be using these as a basis on which to extend my inquiries. SQUAK

Redbeard, Loremaster, Celery for Prez, CPO
  1. Bluebottle (Peregrin's VP candidate) pours a drink for someone who isn't even in the thread, and leaves it on the counter.
  2. Amy (Peregrin's Security Advisor) apparently pretends to drink that drink, and certainly handles it.

  3. EV spikes the drink (supposedly with floor cleaner), leading you to realize that Amy didn't actually drink it, but could have tampered with it.

  4. Redbeard enters and orders a drink
  5. DD enters, drinks a drink that was left out (was it the drink mentioned above?) and collapses
  6. Redbeard immediately comes to DD's assistance, attempts to induce vomiting, and calls for help. Amy and Bluebottle are strangely absent.
  7. Moments later, Amy returns... and calmly has a discussion with EV and another patron, while DD is on the floor poisoned and Redbeard is trying to get help. Did she (a security advisor) simply not notice? Not think to assist?
  8. After the ambulance comes to take DD away, and the police leave, Amy 'raises her eyebrows at EV'.
Amy the Ant (Security Advisor to Peregrin the Presidential Candidate)
  1. BB leaves a drink for a new member who fails to find his way to the right bar.
  2. Amy, taking a waste-not-want-not attitude drinks the pint (the whole pint and nothing but the pint). Note that the pint was of c|_| which is not Amy's usual tipple -- but neither is it DD's.
  3. Redbeard comes in, spikes a g|_|, knowing that if he didn't get DD he would get Amy. He then used ventriloquism both to test my spelling and to make it appear as if EV had done the evil deed and 'fessed up to it.

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