Mustapha's Film Reviews
Created | Updated Jun 21, 2003

In line with my policy on brevity and simplicity, I am going to use a three star Replay rating system: * = I've already forgotten what movie I'm writing about. ** = Maybe when it comes out on video. *** = The popcorn machine at the cinema is on emergency standby, waiting for my MacArthur-like return.
For me, the real test of a movie's quality is: would I willingly pay $10 to sit through this again? This is of course based on my presumption that seeing a movie on the bigscreen is vastly superior to seeing it on video.
Onto the review proper.
The Perfect Storm
And very little else of any real worth. Just one big special effect and a whole lot of bad acting that does nothing to honour the real people who died during the real storm.
Replay Value: *
Written by Mustapha