A Conversation for Common Childhood Fairies

What we can tell the children

Post 1


I love the subject of anthropomorphic personification. I also love the way we as adults construct tales that the children can believe. Take the Tooth Fairy. We as adults would not say that the tooth fairy exists because that would be a lie (at least to other adults.) Yet to tell the 6 year old daughter that the tooth fairy does not exist would immediately put us in the camp of bad parents.
I think I have found a way round this (and it saves me money!)
I now say to my children that it is up to them if they want to believe in the tooth fairy, and that they should never believe that people who want to take the mickey out of them for what they know and understand are right.
This gets me off a big hook, but it also teaches the kids that different people believe different things, and lets face it, if I can't teach them tolerance, who can?

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What we can tell the children

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