The "Ladies who would like to s**g Chris Eccleston" Club!

5 Conversations

Hello and welcome to the clubsmiley - bigeyes

The Ladies Who Would Like To Sh*g Chris Eccleston Club
smiley - droolMay Our Tongues Never Run Drysmiley - drool

This is for us ladies to collectively drool over Mr. Eccleston
smiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - drool

So far the horny members are:

Galaxy Babe

WE smiley - love CHRISTOPHER ECCLESTON...and we're not afraid to show it
A Few Things You Mightn't Know

He was born in Salford, Lancashire 16 Feb 1964

He is 6'1"

He's a Man United fan (oh well, I guess nobody's perfectsmiley - erm)

Eccleston studied at London's Central School of Speech and Drama. He has appeared in numerous theatrical productions and TV dramas and has received two Press Guild Awards for Best Actor. One was for his role in Hillsborough and the other for his performance in Our Friends in the North, for which he also won a BAFTA nomination.

Other TV appearances by Christopher Eccleston include roles in Cracker, Clocking Off, Flesh and Blood. He has also had guest appearances in The League of Gentleman and Linda Green.

His major film debut came when Eccleston played Derek Bentley in 'Let Him Have It' and Eccleston has gone on to have film roles in Shallow Grave, The Others, Elizabeth, eXistenZ, and Gone in Sixty Seconds. He also played the title role in Jude.

And now of course he's the dishy Doctor!

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