more 1905 Catholic stuff
Created | Updated Apr 10, 2005
more 1905 Catholic stuff
On 11/9/2003, Pope John Paul II beatified
3 people who died in 1905
Juan Nepomuceno Zegri y Moreno, a priest who founded a religious order.
Born in Granada, Spain, in 1831, he was famed for his preaching.
Also beatified was a Belgian Franciscan priest, Valentin Paquay,
who often preached among the poor.
Bonifacia Rodriguez Castro, born in Spain in 1837, went to work at age 15 after
her father, a tailor died, to help support her family. Women who used to gather
in her needlework shop founded a religious association, which later inspired a
religious order she founded, The Congregation of the Servant of St. Joseph.
Pope Pius X
He had been born Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto
He was born on the second day of June, in the year 1835
He died in 1914. He was canonized in 1954 by Pius XII.
Giuseppe Sarto had not wanted to become Pope. He did all in his power
to prevail upon the Cardinals to choose another in his stead, but when
they at last prevailed upon him that it was without question what God
willed for him, he answered them,
with tears running down his face,
"As the Popes who have suffered most for the Church during the last
century were called Pius,
I too shall take that name." He was thinking
of Pius VI, Pius VII and, most of all, of Pope Pius IX, whose great
for the Faith so edified him, and of whose holiness he had
always been so much aware.
"To politicians who detect an enemy in the Church," Pope Pius X said in an address in April, 1909, at the time of the beatification of Saint Joan of Arc,
"and therefore perpetually oppose her, to members of secret societies who with all the hatred inspired by Satan unceasingly calumniate, vilify and attack her,
to the false champions of science who by sophistry of every kind strive to render her objectionable, as if she were a foe to liberty, to civilization, and to intellectual
progress, reply that the Church mistress of souls and ruling the hearts of men, exercises her supremacy throughout the world because she alone, being the Bride
of Christ and having all in common with her Divine Spouse, is the depositary of the truth,
she alone can win from all nations veneration and love. Thus he who rebels
against her
authority for fear lest it should encroach upon the dominion of the State, sets up barriers to the truth;
he who proclaims her authority to be foreign to
a nation, wishes truth to be foreign to that
nation also; he who dreads that her authority may diminish the
freedom and greatness of a people, manifestly believes
that a nation can be great and free without the truth...."