A Conversation for What to do When You Get to the Airport

Drinking on flights

Post 1


"... and if anybody offers you a free drink then say 'yes'."

Well, I used to adopt this method. After finding my seat and getting settled in, making sure to put all my luggage in the overhead bin and none under the seat in front of me, my next priority would be several alcoholic drinks and then sleep. Skip the food, as I've been (or I'm going) on a trip featuring rather too much, rather nicer food anyhow. This method usually results in deep sleep for the duration of the flight. However, extensive research into the best ways of getting rest on flights has taught me that although you sleep when drunk, you don't actually rest, and you end up feeling worse than if you hadn't slept at all, for those nine long hours.

These days, I aim for perhaps one drink, the best bits of the food on offer, and then my own earplugs and blindfold. Quite often when returning from North America to England I can get five hours sleep overnight.

So all-in-all, despite the fact that you might have had your tounge in your cheek while drinking that free booze, I beg to differ.

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Drinking on flights

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