A Conversation for Dietary Solutions for Constipation


Post 1


Whe speaking of constipation, it's forgotten the chemical working as preservative or conservators od the food, they slow the decay of the food, and when ingested slow the bowel process creating another type of constipation.


Post 2

Kat - From H2G2


I don't think I'm aware of what you're talking about so I'd be very interested if you go into detail about it.
Also of course the entry only goes into dietary solutions, not the cause itself smiley - winkeye



Post 3


You are right, is about solutions,no causes.

my idea is that the additives in the food don't let it spoil, so last longer in the stomach without been dissolve by the gastric juices, passing wirt the aditives that slow the motion of the intestine, well may this subjet should be talk in another entry.

Greetings from Mexico.

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