Epilogue (UG)

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Official UnderGuide Entry
you light up another clove cigarette

and your lips are moist and poppy-red

since you met me in the shelter

kissed me helter-skelter

made plans, with dandelion seeds
you slam the back door closed again

and the ancient hinges still complain

there are whispers in the blinds

your eyes dart to mine

tease pardon from my lips
this house has been starving for a fight

but it's pacified by candlelight

you twist the hair on your neck

and the white walls scream back

hallelujah, and maybe goodbye
now the promise of release will keep

while in the woods the lake sleeps

you and i will sit and listen

the bluebells glisten

the moon stumbles, and hides in the reeds
i turn the page and pretend to forget it

i hated this book the first time i read it

i burnt your letters in the yard

and your christmas cards

my coat still smells of smoke

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