The X-Philes - Charmed: Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble 4

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San Francisco Police Department, 3.30pm

Scully and Doggett are surrounded by files.

'I can't figure out what the sisters are hiding,' says Doggett, 'but I can tell you it has something to do with Leo Wyatt.'

'You mean how Paige told us he'd dropped out of med school and Pheobe told me he was a paramedic.' remarks Scully.

He nods. 'Piper told me he was an army medic and I swear he appeared from nowhere.' Scully stares in amazement.

'What do you mean?' she asks.

'When I went into the club the only people there were Piper and her barman, the next minute her husband stands up from behind the bar saying it's all fixed.' he replies.

'Seems perfectly reasonable to me.' she says.

'But when I came through the door I could see the whole bar. He wasn't there, he wasn't anywhere.' he argues.

'Maybe Scotty beamed him in.' laughs Scully. 'Changing the subject, you know that pentagram Paige had around her neck? Pheobe has one, too.'

'And so does Piper.' says Doggett. 'I think Cortez's paranoia may be worth investigating. I think we should get Monica over here.'

'I'll contact the local office and see if they can get us some information on Leo Wyatt, his wife and her sisters.' says Scully as she picks up the phone.

J Edgar Hoover Building, 3.00pm

Agent Monica Reyes is on the phone.

'... Ok John, I'll be out there as soon as I can... Sure I'll call you the minute I land... Ok, say hi to Dana for me... Ok bye.' She hangs up and looks over at a coloured man in his late twenties who's grinning at her. 'What!!!!!!' she retorts.

'Nothing.' he replies, still grinning.

'Don't give me that wide-eyed innocent look, Danny, it won't work!' she yells.

'Ok, ok, it just seems to me and the boys that whenever John Doggett calls, you go running.' He ducks, still grinning as a notebook flies over his head.

'This office and the X-Files work hand in hand,' she stops and thinks again, '... I mean we work on a lot of the same cases. This time they need my specific expertise. Agent Doggett and Agent Scully are in San Francisico investigating the deaths of wiccans, they want my input.' she replies. Danny's face grows serious.

'D'ya think it could be connected to our investigation?' he asks.

Reyes shrugs. 'I won't know until I get there.' She smiles at him, 'I want you to take over while I'm gone. You know which areas need to be monitored and you know who to watch, you've been coming along well Danny. I'm impressed by the work you've done, now I'm putting my faith in you. Please don't let me down.' she says. Danny looks pleased.

'Thanks Monica, I won't let you down and thanks for giving me this chance.' He grins at her again. 'Hey, if you're off to San Francisco you're going to need flowers in your hair.' She grins back and starts to laugh. As she closes the door Danny starts to sing 'If You're Going to San Francisco' very loudly and out of tune. Monica shakes her head as she walks down the corridor.

San Francisco Police Department, 3.00pm

Doggett is hanging up the phone after his conversation with Reyes, Scully is on the phone to former medical collegues. There is a knock at the door and a handsome blonde haired man comes in.

'Agents Doggett and Scully?' he asks. Doggett nods. 'I'm trainee agent Ashton Wells, the local office sent me over with these files and they asked if I can help with this investigation as part of my final evaluation.' Scully raises her eyebrows, frowns and looks at Doggett, who shrugs.

'I can't see any problem with that.' replies Scully candidly. Doggett nods. 'So what do you have on the Halliwell sisters?' Ashton hands over the files and Scully flicks through them.

'Well?' asks Doggett.

'Piper Halliwell, successful business woman; Pheobe Halliwell unemployed university graduate; Paige Matthews, former wild child gone good; Cole Turner, lawyer in the DA's office... nothing we don't know there and, surprise surprise, no information on Leo Wyatt. I've called everyone I know to see where Leo went to med school, no sign of him in the last twenty years.' she replies. The fax machine starts to whir into life.

'Hopefully this is his Army records.' says Doggett as he picks up the papers. He scans them and his eyes widen in surprise.

'What?' says Scully.

'According to this Leo Wyatt died in 1942.' he replies.

'That can't be right, it must be his grandfather.' Scully retorts. Doggett shows her the photo.

'That is the man I met today. Either Piper's married a ghost or he's a deserter with a good plastic surgon.' declares Doggett.

'But if he did desert he has to be about eighty; no plastic surgeon is that good.' she replies.

'Unless he's borrowed this identity.' he remarks. Scully shakes her head.

'Why? It's not like he was MIA. That Leo must have had a funeral, family. It's like he's been lost in time and he hasn't aged at all. It is not medically possible.' she blusters.

It's about time we learnt the truth about Leo, so as soon as Monica gets here we'll get him in for questioning. Monica's sixth sense, vibes, or whatever it is hasn't let us down yet.' he says.

Ashton's ears prick up at the conversation about Monica. So The Oracle was right, these Agents were the key to everything. The Source's soothsayer had said four mortals were the key to Satan's eventual downfall. Destroy one and the prophesy could not be fulfilled. As one of them had the power he needed, he'd been a willing participant in The Oracle's plan: to strengthen Satan's grip on the world, then she would ally herself to him and so complete their revenge on the Source by having the power he would never grant. That power could destroy the Source. Ashton/Azrael smiles; he can't believe his luck.

San Francico Airport, 8.30pm

Scully and Doggett are waiting in the arrivals lounge for Monica Reyes. Scully is sitting down reading the paper but Doggett is pacing, he's agitated. Scully looks at him and sighs.

'John sit down, can't you? I'm exausted just watching you.' she says.

'This case is bugging me, or more to the point, Leo's bugging me. It doesn't make sense. I've checked every record I can and they say he died in active service in 1942, but he's walking around San Francsico 60 years later as if nothing happened.' he retorts. Scully sighs and closes her paper.

'Stop obsessing over Leo. There's probably some logical explaination for this, clerical error is the most likely.' she says unconvincingly.Doggett stares at her and starts to laugh.

'And I'm sure you believe in the Easter Bunny, too.' he laughs. Scully grins and then starts to wave as she spots Monica coming through the gate. Reyes waves back and jogs up to them.

'Hi! So, what's up?' she asks.

Doggett sighs. 'We have a someone killing Wiccans, and a dead man walking around San Francsico whose wife and her sisters are suspected of being witches; just your normal, run-of-the-mill X-Files case.' he says.

Reyes grins. 'Ok, so Dana, what's really going on?' Reyes replies.

'Pretty much what he said.' Scully remarks. The three of them walk back to the car while Scully fills Reyes in on what's happened so far.

Ashton Well's Apartment, 9.00pm

There is a knock on the door.

'May I be seen?' says a voice.

Ashton opens the door, outside a woman is leaning on the wall. 'What took you so long?' he demands as he ushers her inside.

'I had a little trouble leaving; I had to make sure he was... otherwise engaged or he'd miss me.' she replies smoothly. 'What's so important?'

'Did you bring it with you?' he asks.

The woman lounges on the sofa and produces a crystal ball out of her pocket. 'Of course. I never travel without it. So you got me all the way up here for a reading?' she remarks.

'Not just that. Some interesting information has come my way. Not only am I working with two of the mortals from the prophesy, but the third is on her way and she has the power of empathy that I need to complete my transformation.' Ashton states.

'And you want me to give you some idea of what you are up against?' she replies.

Ashton is getting impatient with her. 'Yes, now stop playing games and get on with it, Oracle!' he retorts.

The Oracle pouts playfully. 'Don't be like that, we don't want to ruin a perfectly good coup because you're angry with lil' ol' me.' she purrs. She runs her hands over the crystal ball and stares deep into it.

'So?' he inquires.

The Oracle smiles. 'You're right, she is the key. If you take her power you will be restored and Satan cannot be defeated.' She frowns.

'What?' says Ashton.

'I see the Charmed Ones, they are working with the agents of the prophesy. They mean to vanquish you. They are not allied with the FBI yet but they soon will be. You must make sure the alliance does not happen.' She points to figures in the mists of the crystal ball. 'This one will not believe the sisters, this one will not find it easy to trust them but will in the end. Choose your allies well, Azrael.' she says.

He starts to pace the floor. 'I have a few favours owed to me by a couple of hitmen; it's time to collect.' he replies.

The Oracle smiles as Azrael shimmers out. She sits back and runs her hands over the crystal ball again, she stares into it and frowns.


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