Come Fly Like a Bird

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Beautiful Sanibel beach as it was

Flying to Florida Part 2

It was an excellent idea to take a break from flying further. I was exhausted just from watching the many happenings around me.

An egret wading

Next morning a most beautiful sunny day greeted us and the air was a tender, loving mellow: we were in the South already, just a step away from Florida. Though Savanna has a lot to offer with regards to past history, we did not spend more time there.

Soon we were flying over Florida and, to my delight, saw big orange plantations! This, for me, was something very great because I had thought many times about the land of the oranges and also knew that there was the 'well of the eternal youth' situated there.

Leo was not only an excellent pilot of his plane, but also was a very observant tourist and loved to show the things and places which surrounded him. Next we landed in Orlando where we got fuel for all of us: breakfast for us and gasoline for the plane. Needless to say the breakfast started with freshly-pressed orange juice which is just so very different from that which you buy in the store. The orange juice at the Orlando Airport was there free of charge and you could drink as much as you wanted. At the time we were there this airport was only used by private planes and there were not many people around. The commercial flying crowd was out of my life for a long time to come.

After breakfast we just flew very leisurely in lower altitude to see the scenery of the lovely subtropical land of Florida. Leo very kindly explained everything that was there to see. In this way we came to fly over Fort Myers. This town included the winter home of Thomas Alva Edison, one of the greatest genius of mankind. Later on, during another trip, we visited his home and saw the most beautiful tropical garden which surrounded his house. Our destination, Sanibel and the Captive Islands was very near to this town on the edge of the Gulf of Mexico.

So it was, in the middle of this winter's afternoon, that we spotted the tiny airstrip which was suitable for our plane to land on. And that was all for a smooth, but short landing as we arrived at Sanibel Island.

The arrival at Florida

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