A Conversation for Tenpin Bowling

Bowling Trivia

Post 1

Steve K.

What is the least number of balls you must roll to complete a standard game of bowling?

Bowling Trivia

Post 2


If this is a trick question the answer is 1. You will use the same ball in each frame.

Otherwise my calculation is you would bowl 11 times assuming you make a strike every frame except for the 10th.

Bowling Trivia

Post 3

Steve K.

Not a trick, 11 is what I had in mind ... some people say 12 as their first impulse, a perfect game.

Not sure I could agree with using the same ball every time ... I usually blame the ball for my lousy score and get another one. Not EVERY frame, but ... smiley - cross

I used to bowl with a friend who would set his bowling ball on a pillow in front of the TV to watch the pros bowl ...
smiley - popcornsmiley - zen

Bowling Trivia

Post 4


I have my own ball in a deep dark recess of the shed. I'm sure it won't fit any more but someone gave me some bowling vouchers for Christmas and I really want to get back into it. It does make a big difference having your own ball.

Bowling Trivia

Post 5

Steve K.

I do have my own ball. And blamed it for my lousy bowling. And went and got a house ball. Then went and got another house ball ...

Actually, my final attitude was that bowling is an excuse to drink beer, same as golf ... smiley - ale

When I play golf now, I don't even keep score, but I'm not sure that's an option with bowling (its been a long time), seems like the machine keeps score all by itself when I watch my wife bowl, even for practice.

Bowling Trivia

Post 6


It all seems to be computerised now - which helps more people to play and enjoy it without needing to have a degree in Maths... but I do miss the squared bits of paper with the crosses and slashes showing strikes adn spares.

Just call me old fashioned.

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