A Conversation for Lord Kelvin - the Physicist
Lord Kelvin exhibition in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow
tom Started conversation Nov 14, 2004
A trip to the library yesterday took me via the Hunterian to see a new exhibition on Lord Kelvin.
They've cleared one length of the first floor gallery to show some of his original equipment and teaching models. He was obviously in the Royal Society Christmas lectures and Adam Hart Davies school of "Don't talk - Demonstrate" style of teaching.
There are updates on his teaching equipment using modern technology. (Someone who used a french horn in teaching accoustics would surely revel in using plasma balls in a type of theremin)
Excellent introduction to the scope of his work and a taste of the person below it.
Main complaint - no guide book to take home memories though there is a somewhat soviet style poster of him astride the engineering he revolutionised.
The exhibition is permanent so any visit to Glasgow Uni will be worth a diversion here.
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Lord Kelvin exhibition in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow
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