A Conversation for Onkaparinga River, Adelaide, South Australia
Local Aboriginal Tribe Name
Phoenician Trader Started conversation Feb 24, 2003
You call the local aboriginal people Kouri - a term I thought that referred to a people in the NSW Sydney area. Aren't the people of the Adelaide plains Kuarna (pronounced Garna)?
Further down the peninsular lived the Ngarrindjerri people.
Local Aboriginal Tribe Name
saintfrancesca Posted Jul 1, 2005
I realize that this is an old post. However, the term "Koori" refers to Aboriginal people of New South Wales and Victoria. "Nunga" is the correct term for Aboriginal people from southern South Australia. "Aratja" refers to Central Australians. There are also terms for Northerners, West Australians and Queenslanders.
Also - there are plenty of Ngarrindjieri people around. Not past tense at all. The Kaurna people are quite alive and kicking too. Their language has been revived (like Cornish etc.)
In fact - Aboriginal culture is Not a past tense, anywhere in Australia. It's just that white fellers don't know about it.
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