A Conversation for A Recipe for Mulled Wine
...with clove roasted oranges
BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows Started conversation Oct 22, 2006
Just culled this recipe from our local free newspaper. Haven't tried it yet, but I'll report back when I have - probably at Christmas time.
This variation serves 8-10.
2 oranges
40 whole cloves
1.5 litres full-bodied red wine
60ml Van der Hum (tangerine licquer)
60ml Calvados
500 ml apple juice
30ml (2tbsp) sugar, or to taste.
10 ml Angostura bitters
Stud each orange with 20 cloves. Place on a tray and roast in a hot oven, set at 200 deg C, FOR 15-20 minutes.
Place oranges in a large sauce[pan and add the remaining ingredients (press gently on the oranges so they exude all their flavour) and bring to just below boiling point.
Sert aside for at least 30 minutes for the ingredients to infuse.
Some tips:
Make more than you require-leftovers may be strained and kept in the fridge for a while to be gently warmed at a later date.
Sweetness and spiciness are personal tastes, so use recipes as guidelines only.
You can include other flavours such as strong green tea or a dash of grenadine syrup.
A twig of rosemary, bay leaves, lemon grass and sweet briar impart unusual undertones, as does freshly-grated nutmeg.
Make a couple of hours before needed, and the aroma will be waiting around your home for when the guests arrived.
According to the newspaper article, the first recorded recipe for mulled wine is attributed to the Roman Marcus Gavius Apicius who, according to Pliny, was 'born to enjoy every extravagant luxury that could be contrived'.
Apicius' recipe included:
15lb honey, three scruples of pounded mace, five roasted date stones and 18 pints of sweet wine..
Nowadays recipes have been refined to make a more affordable and obtainable drink which is popular all over Europe as a Christmas party tipple.
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...with clove roasted oranges
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