General Acquisition and De-Acquisition for the UnderGuide Archives

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Official UnderGuide Entry

If anyone knows what this means, please tell the Archivist. You never know, it might be important! (at least I've corrected the spelling in the title)

The UnderGuide Archives are here to perform the following services for the UnderGuide :

  1. Collect and Sort All Entries That are Placed in the UnderGuide
  2. Collect and Sort All Entries That are UnderGuide Related [huh?]
  3. Provide a Tenable Source of all UnderGuide Entries [huh?]
  4. Collect and Sort Entries That DO NOT Get Collected by the UnderGuide Due to Terms of Use Problems But Do Not Break House Rules

There are a few things that will fall through the net as it were and those require some form of collection. The deacquisition of entries occurs when:

  1. Entry Is Found to Break House Rules
  2. Entry Is Found to Be Plagiarized
  3. Entry Is Removed For Other Reasons

The entries that are removed are not stored here, they may be indeed removed from h2g2 altogether. Sorry but that's the way life is. It may get picked up by the U218740 however. [huh?]

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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