SHAMBLES 2004 - Largs, November 6th

3 Conversations

Fancy a pint?

The Scottish Researchers Group got together again for SHAMBLES1 2004 on Saturday November 6th2. After much debate, we settled on Largs as the location.

The following researchers carried out their threats to attend:

  • U194173
  • U40285
  • U183316
  • U166140
  • U178076
  • U195744
  • U37312
  • U181271
  • The Log

    1255 EV and fords arrive at Ku'Reshtin's flat. First drink is consumed.
    1320 Ku', fords and EV arrive at McCabe's bar3. Zagreb and DoughnutRaffler already seated. Zagreb not spotted due to lack of hat.
    1325 EV and Ku' order Bad Boys4. Jamie arrives and immediately lets side down by ordering a soft drink.
    1420 Food consumed. EV demands to have some pudding.
    1425 Ku' declares the meet his housewarming party. Hurrah!
    1450 Leave pub for bowling.
    1530 Decide to visit another pub on the way.
    1600 Go to bowling. Ku' is Jesus5.
    1730 Ku' kicks our arses.
    1745 Air hockey. Ku' kicks our arses. Decide to do something Ku' isn't good at for next meet.
    1815 Back to McCabe's.
    1820 Conversation killed by naked Wumbie.
    1915 Dissing the French.
    1945 fords receives a text message from Wumbie. It reads: "Where am I?"
    1955 Pint of John Bonham's urine for Ku'.
    2005 Wumbie texts that he doesn't know where he is but he's forty minutes away.
    2020 Ten minutes spent dissing MJ Simpson.
    2035 Jamie is determined to nick something from McCabe's but all the good stuff is glued to the shelf.
    2040 Winnoch2 arrives for his first meet and immediately buys a round, winning over the SRG straight away.
    2050 Wumbie arrives with bag full of alcohol.
    2125 "Murder should be legal for neds."
    2133 Wumbie instigates first spillage.
    2140 Ku' caught talking about "rubbage".
    2145 Wumbie wants an ex-lesbian in the log. He notes that he is not an ex-lesbian, he is still one.
    2157 I am the walrus.
    2204 fords and EV nip out for some "fresh air".
    2207 Wumbie asks to be served by an ex-lesbian.
    2220 Bad Taste makes an appearance.
    2240 First shots are consumed.
    2242 fords french kisses an imaginary shot glass.
    2249 Wumbie shows EV his puppy.
    2307 Winnoch covets fords' t-shirt... again.
    2318 Winnoch is declared as sick as Wumbie6.
    2320 DoughnutRaffler is impressed with the biceps on Zagreb's right arm. General bicep squeezage ensues.
    2321 Winnoch tells Zagreb to put it away.
    2323 fords tells the group about sticky things.
    2325 Wumbie is convinced he is fords' dad.
    2326 Ku' claims to be "pissed, but still cohesent."
    2327 Winnoch and EV both return from the toilet, smiling.
    2330 "If it's in the log, it's true!"
    2337 Ex-heterosexuality mentioned for equality purposes.
    2343 Zagreb mistakes Jamie for Ku'...
    2345 Zagreb thinks Winnoch looks like Vladimir Putin. Others suggest Dobby the house elf.
    2350 fords and Wumbie trade insults. Wumbie wins with chant of "USA! USA!" fords' Janet Street Porter insult is declared null and void.
    2357 EV gets sexual favours from Meetsheep.
    0003 Wumbie not sure if he's been taken up the council gritter.
    0006 Wumbie to fords: "Was it me that mentioned strap-ons or was it you?"
    0007 It was Wumbie.
    0008 No, Wumbie! Bad Wumbie!
    0010 Wumbie is declared a bad influence on fords.
    0015 Leave pub for pizza, then back to Ku's place. Wumbie will declare that he doesn't want to sleep, and subsequently keep everyone else awake with fantastic snoring that sounds like somebody attempting to saw the bottom off a glass bottle.

    For the brave or foolish, photographs of the event can be found here.

    1Scottish Hallowe'een Alcoholic Meet. Bowling, Largs. Eee-heee! Shamone!2Yes, I know it's a bit late for a Hallowe'en meet, but we didn't manage to work out a new acronym.3Ku'Reshtin helpfully points out: "McCabe's Bar is located pretty much where the train stopped all those years ago when it went through the wall."4Large hamburgers described on the menu as "the meanest burger in town." They are subsequently consumed without incident.5Due to our decision to use real names on the scoreboard, "Christian" is abbreviated to "Christ".6And they said it couldn't be done...

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