When are we going to tell the children?

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I didn't mean to get involved in an affair with a married...

What do you mean 'involved'? It just happened!

It took six months to 'just happen'.

I was unaware of it at the time. But you didn't have any panty lines.

I wear... never mind. You know what I wear and don't wear.

Not really. You kept sweeping my glasses and the lights off.

That was just an accident and we were both drunk.

For two years?

Maybe you have to be drunk to be with me.

Maybe I get drunk because I'm not with you.

So what shall we tell the children?

Yours? I'm not telling mine nothing. It's none of their business.

Including the one I had for you?

You mean with me?

I think it was an out of body experience during the conception and I know it was an out of the county experience during the birth.

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