Anti-Intellectualism as a symptom of a bad education

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Anti-Intellectualism as a symptom of a bad education

Many schools are cranking out culturally illiterate graduates. True intellectual pursuits, such as thought, observation, experience and the search for truth and wisdom are lost to many of these students, because...

they would have to go against the grain of the prejudices that they

learned in school and in the society that barely tolerated their

having been in school.

If you don't engage in a lifelong search for experience and knowledge,

then you have no need of books and thoughts and research.

The school systems, including the universities, are filled with

cultural illiterates who are supposed to be "teaching" somethings

that are genuinely outside their experience and their interests.

The true intellectual and philosopher doesn't crouch in the

basement of an ivory tower, worrying about publishing or perishing.

They go out into the world and have experiences and learn a thing or two

that can rarely be picked up from books alone,

and then go to the school or the university to teach WHAT THEY

KNOW. Or at least, that's the way it used to be.

Now the idiots are running the asylums and if you aren't the

right kind of idiot, or if you seem too sane to play their game,

then you get the boot.

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