A Conversation for The Problem of Free Will
Belief isn't living
Acheron Started conversation Nov 13, 2000
I believe that free will doesn't exist.
This does not mean that I live my life without forming decisions or taking chances because I believe that these decisions are predestined.
Surely therefore there should be made a difference between Believing in a system, and letting the consequences of that system dominate your life.
That probably made no sense whatsoever
Belief isn't living
Martin Harper Posted Nov 13, 2000
Made perfect sense here.
Just the same as someone might believe there is no God, but still go to the church for marriages and funerals.
Belief isn't living
Sol Posted Nov 14, 2000
Made sense to me too. Predestined though, that is a big word. I don't believe that I have free will, but I do believe I control my decisions.
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Belief isn't living
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