The h2g2 Poem

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The Gorilla

A large gorilla one evening accosted me

I ran quickly away but it followed you see

Why this should happen I didn't know

I shouted go away but it just kept saying 'No!'

I hid behind a large Maple tree

But the gorilla seemed to easily spy me

So I jumped quickly onto the back of a bus

Only to see the gorilla jogging behind without a fuss

I got off at the High Street thinking to give it the slip

But the gorilla was already there, ahead of me it must have nipped

I entered a store hiding amongst the wares

But once more the gorilla found me I was almost in tears

Racing away in fear and dread

Like a chicken I went, yes one with no head

I finally locked myself in the ladies loo

Thinking to myself it was a good thing to do

But there beneath the cubicle door

The gorilla waved at me it was lying on the floor

Scrambling onto the seat, through the window I went

Running fast, speed to my legs, fear had lent

Alas a mistake I ran down a dead end

Blocked by a wall, the gorilla rounded the bend

I turned and bravely faced my demise

As it bore down, I thought this might not be wise

As the gorilla got closer I felt very small

It's bulk was such, as wide as it was tall

I cringed back as it raised once massive hand

And horrified I waited for it to land

'Pardon me miss,' the gorilla did say

And looking down I noticed in his palm my bag did lay

'You dropped this.' The gorilla said with concern

'But you hurried off before it I could return.'

Thanking him kindly my bag I retrieved

The gorilla smiled and turned, seeming somewhat relieved

I was left standing staring as the gorilla disappeared from sight

And wondered if anyone would believe what had happened this night

Well, do you?

smiley - rosesmiley - magicsmiley - rosesmiley - magicsmiley - rose

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