Thee Incredible Weirdness of Being

1 Conversation

  • In an experiment at a Canadian university in the 1970s, a group of people were asked to invent a ghost. They later contacted their fictitious spirit through séances and ouija boards, and the results were the exact same as for supposedly 'real' contacts. The 'ghost'
    also revealed details of his 'life' that the creators had not come up with.
  • People have been having visions which show all religions to be the One True Faith™, not just Christianity as the Vatican generally maintains. Even prominent Nazis and Ariosophists, particularly Guido von Lizt, had such visions which convinced them, deep down in the inner reaches of their minds, of the total rightness of their cause.
  • Hitler thought he was doing ultimate good, and that the Allies were the evil ones.
  • Jesus' real name was Yeshua ben Yoseph.
  • In the Qabbalah, it is common practise to divine properties about beings, things, and entities by adding up the values of the letters in their Hebrew names. By this process, the Hebrew words for Messiah and Serpent both add up to the same number.
  • Catholic priests were allowed to marry up until the fourth century.
  • The original feminists were opposed to abortion.
  • People who are struck by lightning or electrocuted seem to be more likely to be abducted by aliens.
  • Also, rates of alien abduction seem to be far lower among people who are particularly religious.
  • Many aliens warn abductees about destroying our planet. Oddly, these seem to mirror contemporary fears. In the 1950s, they warned us about nuclear warfare. More recent abductors have been more concerned with pollution.
  • If any aliens land on Earth, they would be wise not to choose the USA, as they will be captured and quarantined by government troops. After all, they are not human.
  • Kyosho Izumi is an architect who designed the ideal mental hospital and won an award for outstanding achievement because of it. Herman Kahn is an American civil defence agent who is very respected for his work in theory of bomb use. Ralph Abraham is a mathematics professor and a pioneer of chaos mathematics. All three of these men would not where they are today without LSD.
  • Despite deforestation, there are actually more rainforests around nowadays then there were 12,000 years ago. They have also only existed for at most 16,000 years - and the planet perceives that the way a human perceives a millisecond.
  • The 'Bible Code' is also found in, among others, War and Peace, The Origin of the Species, and the English translation of the Bible.
  • The 'Bible Code' is even in The Bible Code, which contains the hidden messages the code is a silly snake-oil hoax and the code is evil.
  • The river Ganges is 2,525 kilometres long and has 902 litres of sewage dumped into it every day, yet it is still the cleanest river on Earth. Indeed, cholera microbes die within three hours in Ganges water, yet live for up to 48 hours in distilled water.
  • Cool a cupful of helium to almost absolute zero and it will not freeze. Spin the cup and the helium will remain totally still. Suspend the cup a few centimetres above a bowl of liquid helium at the same temperature and the liquid in the cup will pour itself, drop by drop, into the bowl. I swear I am not making this up.
  • Before the start of a tumour, precancerous cells seem to 'subvert' noncancerous cell to form tumours. Sharks seem to have evolved natural defences against tumours, whereas humans have not.
  • Sickle cell anaemia increases the body's resistance to malaria.
  • The human heart does not beat perfectly regularly. A simple computer programme can convert heartbeat noises to musical notes, which seem to be quite pleasant to the ear.
  • It is possible to become addicted to placebos.
  • Many young people today are actually less violent, stoned, homicidal, genocidal, suicidal, regicidal, knocked-up, or immoral as their parents were at the same age. The media says the exact opposite.
  • Psi phenomena have been scientifically proven to exist.
  • Homosexuality is very common in animals.

Until we meet again, my friend, this is Hussassan, signing off.

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