Airport Pick Up Service for single Women

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On arrival at xyz airport you will be greeted by a short bald gentleman who will personally accompany you to your luxury bedsit villa gracefully situated on the third floor of a very old but structurally safe palazzo within jogging distance of the even older part of the slightly walled hilltop Town.

There he will help you carry one bag (smallest one) up to your room where he will give you one of those creepy top to bottom looks. You then have the choice of giving him a few euro’s in tip or being stared at creepily for the next few minutes whilst he scratches his balls and mumbles bella a few times.

Obviously you may choose to start your holiday in style and have a romantic sexual moment with our short bald driver. If you do then make sure it is nowhere near meal times otherwise he may have to decline your advances so that he can get home in time for his dinner (his mum would go mad if he is late and his pasta gets cold).

If you prefer we can send a slightly taller and younger flashy type with or without chest medallion to pick you up. After an exhilarating 120 miles per hour drive on a very twisty mountainous road, in an old car with bad breaks, he will romantically ask you if you fancy a bit. Again the choice of options is unlimited, you can give him a few euro’s tip and take up your own luggage or enjoy a few seconds of foreplay followed by a quick shag in the back of a genuine fiat 500 before taking up your own luggage. For larger ladies we would recommend our fiat panda, or punto if you are feeling really posh.

For information and Bookings please call 555-12345 and ask for Gino.

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