140 inbred wild chihuahuas

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How you treat your animals is a reflection of how you treat your own species.

A friend of mine who is in the animal rescue business was talking last night
about a old woman who had gone off her property to another life, possibly in a nursing home or a
resisted living facility. This woman had left on her property the remains of her former
business, which was breeding Chihuahuas. At some point, she stopped selling them,
or, apparently introducing new stock or blood. No one knows what really happened.

The property was full of pens, buildings, crates, boxes, bushes, trees, underbrush, cactus,

and a herd of inbred wild Chihuahuas.

The friend of mine said that there were no living puppies. Their relatives or the fire ants

had eaten them after they died from trying to either live off their mother's thin milk from

too little water, or after being weaned, trying to eat the local small wildlife or the hard kibble

that had been provided for them.

They were mean, hard to catch, and remarkably tribal. It is hard to imagine

a small hairless, or nearly so, frou-frou dog rampaging around the country side

in feral packs, fighting for survival, but, a dog is a dog, and Texas is nothing more than

Northern Mexico, and the Chihuahua is supposedly a Mexican dog.

140 inbred wild little dogs, struggling for survival in the Texas summer.

Sounds like a Disney movie that will never be made.

Sounds like reality television that will never happen.

That woman essentially abandoned those animals.

She made a buck off them while she could, but when that was gone,

she did as little as she had to.

The first corralling captured 76 dogs. The catchers had to wear gloves,

but suffered scratches and bites anyway. Them dogs had claws!

The remainder will have to be caught individually, or drugged through

food traps, or just left to survive as best they can.

The effort was strictly volunteer, concerned citizens extending themselves

because the hoi and polloi can't be bothered. It isn't their business.

Particularly the people who kept her in business over the years.

They got their cute little pet, it doesn't matter where it came from or

what happened to it's relatives. None of their business.

I hope they are reincarnated as a inbred wild chihuahua.

There is an old science fiction plot where the really nasty aliens

who have the potential to blas the planet to smithereens

or subjugate all humanity as pets decides to show mercy

and treat us as equals because the handicapped and the learning

disabled are taken care of with compassion and kindness

instead of being euthanized as part of a eugenics campaign.

If them aliens really looked hard and saw how humans treated

their pets and dray and farm aminals, they'd go ahead and blast away.

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