A Conversation for Owjas

Indeed, the shame of it...

Post 1


Well you have done better than I have matey...at least you have had an entry accepted...well done smiley - smiley

Indeed, the shame of it...

Post 2

Shawn the uncarved block.

Thank you. Wow, I haven't been on h2g2 for three weeks now... too busy in the normal newsgroups unfortunately. I'm off Sunday... I'll get up to speed then. smiley - smiley

Indeed, the shame of it...

Post 3


How do you get a day off LOLsmiley - winkeye

Indeed, the shame of it...

Post 4

Shawn the uncarved block.

...ask me again in two weeks when I'm in the good ol' US of A !!! smiley - bigeyes

Indeed, the shame of it...

Post 5


Only if I remember...

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