The Hitchhiker's Movie Competition!
Created | Updated Jul 6, 2004

This competition is now closed. We are not accepting further submissions but would like to thank everyone who entered.
After much deliberation, the h2g2 Editors chose our ten finalists on the evening of Friday, 25 June 2004. The following Monday we sent the finalists over to Robbie Stamp, who presented them to the judge...
... who, by the way, was Arthur Dent himself, Martin Freeman!
We've put together a gallery of the shortlisted entrants - including the one Martin selected as our winner, but just to end the suspense, the winning entry was taken by Adrian Cockle from Surrey.
However, that's not the end of it - far from it. Over the next few weeks, we'll be adding some of the best submissions to the Edited Guide so even if you didn't win you might still see your picture illustrating h2g2. And even better, for those non-UK Researchers who were unable to enter, we'll soon be launching a brand new photography scheme on h2g2 that will be open to all.
Many thanks to the hundreds of people who sent in photos, and congratulations to Adrian, who will be making the first of his two visits to the set at the end of this week.
Ever wanted to be in a movie? Take a photo for the real Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and be in with a chance to be an extra in the film version!
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the radio show and book that inspired h2g2) began with the Earth being destroyed by aliens who were clearing the way for a new hyperspace bypass. With the movie version of HHGTTG now in production, Earth is once again at risk. Now the entire globe is classified 'Last Chance to See...'
But what if you could save one part of the planet Earth for the rest of the Universe to see? Which bit do you think aliens would be most enthralled by? Which bit stands out as the best achievements of Mother Nature or the Human race?
How to Enter
The mission of the real-life Hitchhiker's Guide - h2g2 - is to catalogue the planet Earth, its life forms, cultures, history and technology - everything in fact. Everyday people from all over the world write entries for the guide on all manner of subjects. But now we've decided that we don't just want to read about the planet - we want to see it! To do this, we need photographs of some of Earth's best bits. Here's where you come in: we want you to send us a photograph of the place on Earth you think deserves to survive the planet's destruction:
Maybe there's a building that you think is awe-inspiring
It might be a breathtaking vista from the top of a mountain or bowl of a valley
Perhaps you have a picture of an animal in its natural habitat that blows you away
Or it might be a warning to other planets against pollution and over-industrialisation
The short-listed pictures will be shown in a gallery that will become part of the h2g2 guide. But one lucky photo will be chosen - with the help of our judges - as representative of the best the planet Earth has to offer to our galactic neighbours. The prize-winning photographer of that picture will be invited to be an extra in the movie of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Just imagine it - you could be one of the first people in the world to see behind the scenes on one of the most eagerly-awaited films in the history of everything!
How to Enter
Once you've taken your photograph, you need to email it to us at our editorial address - [This competition is no longer running, so the email address is now closed to submissions] (due to the timescale involved we cannot accept postal entries). Photos can be either from a digital camera or scanned in, but we must receive them electronically. Photos must be no larger than 40k in size, and should be in either JPEG or GIF format.
The deadline for submissions is Friday 25 June 2004 - so get those photos in quickly! Results will be announced within 7 days. The winner must be available to come to Elstree, London, on 8 July 2004 for a costume fitting and 19 July for filming.
Please note: Do not put your health at risk in order to get the greatest picture. While we like the idea of dynamic pictures, we also like the idea of you being alive and well enough to look at them as well.
h2g2 Competition Rules
All photographs must be original photos taken by the person entering the competition. We cannot accept images that are the copyright of someone else.
All submissions must be suitable for family viewing. Also, we're not looking for holiday snaps or family photos.
You must provide the BBC with your name, age and e-mail address if you wish to enter this competition. The BBC will only ever use your personal details for the purposes of administering this competition, and will not publish them or provide them to anyone without your permission.
By entering the competition, you grant the BBC a non-exclusive license to use your photograph. What that means is that you retain the copyright on the image, but you're giving us permission to use it. For more information, read our Terms and Conditions.
The competition is open to UK residents only, of 18 years or over. Overseas players are not eligible. You do not have to be a registered member of h2g2 to enter.
In the event of the winner being unable to attend the costume fitting or the filming, the BBC reserves the right to offer the prize to another short-listed entrant.
Prizes must be taken as stated and cannot be deferred and there will be no cash alternatives.
The Producers do not accept any responsibility for late or lost entries due to the Internet. Proof of sending is not proof of receipt.
Entrants must supply full details as required above, and comply with all rules to be eligible for the prizes. No responsibility is accepted for ineligible entries or entries made fraudulently.
This competition is not open to employees or contractors of the BBC, Disney or any person directly or indirectly involved in the organisations or running of the competition, or their direct family members.
The Producer's decision is final in every situation including any not covered above and no correspondence will be entered into.
The Producers reserve the right to cancel the competition at any stage, if deemed necessary in their opinion, and if circumstances arise outside of their control. Due to the nature of filming and the stage of production, the producers can offer no guarantee of screentime at this stage.
Entrants will be deemed to have accepted these rules and to agree to be bound by them when entering this competition.
This agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.
This competition is administered by the BBC.