A Conversation for Miami, Florida, USA

Miami Nice

Post 1

Researcher 113868

I live in So. Fla,and I drive a limo here!I know ALL the places in the Miami area and have a webpage dedicated to the best hotels/resturants/Dancing/boating/fishing etc.You can find it @

or e-mail me and I'll be happy to make some suggestions.
Music Man aka
Mr.Limo Man

Miami Nice

Post 2

Researcher 113868

Sorry,My E~Mail is....
[email protected]

Miami Nice

Post 3


Thanks very much - I'll check out your website. I'm looking for somewhere nice to eat on Sunday lunchtime.. Any suggestions..?

Miami Nice

Post 4


Nah, Peta, let's just go to the swamp instead. smiley - winkeye

Miami Nice

Post 5

what you know as km

Now, be fair. There's a lot to be said for the swamp.

Like... er... "Hmm, swampy." And, "Shit, there's a crocodile there!"

And "Perhaps we should be heading home to help Jebediah beat the laundry out in the river."

Miami Nice

Post 6


*pees her pants laughing at KM*

Airboat through the Everglades!

Post 7


Oh, and now that we've been there and witnessed the tranquility of it all, I find the idea of this *really disturbing* :


Airboat through the Everglades!

Post 8


"Exciting airboat rides through the untouched by human hands Everglades!!"

Not necessarily true after one of those things rips through the area, eh? smiley - winkeye

Airboat through the Everglades!

Post 9


Yeah, I didn't exactly get that either, how airboat ride and untouched by human hands could possibly go together. Ah, marketing.

Hmmm... followy. smiley - winkeye

Airboat through the Everglades!

Post 10



If enough people follow each other around, do they all eventually end up in the same place? Or do they somehow get mixed up and start following completely different people around?

The world needs to know.

Airboat through the Everglades!

Post 11

what you know as km

Well... you're not supposed to stick your hands out of the airboat...

Airboat through the Everglades!

Post 12


Or any other appendage for that matter. smiley - winkeye

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