Vulcan History: Pre-Romulan Seperation

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Before reformation the Vulcan’s were on the brink of moral, economical and poitical disaster. Within three generations after reformation their race was almost completely recovered and stable. They were at peace with themselves. Surak was a man of inflexible peace and utter compassion. He laid his life down for what he believed in, Surak died horribly at the hands of enemies he had been offering peace. He arose, taught peace, died for it and was followed by hundreds and thousands who did the same until all of Vulcan renounced unmastered passion and gave itself entirely to logic.

Vulcans Reaserch Possibility of Generation Ships

Philosophers and engineers often reflected on the possibility of other life in the universe. Some of the best science fiction writing ever was done on Vulcan during this period of time. The literature fueled the people’s interest in the stars. During the time that the people of earth were building the pyramids the Vulcan’s were seriously researching the psi technologies and physics that would support the building of generation ships so they could travel to the nearest stars. Their sun was one of the main things that stirred many Vulcans into such an intense interest in the neighboring interstellar space.

Coment on Vulcan way of life

During the time of the old Vulcan society all life was a battle because of the desert ecology. There was no need to fear strangers passing through because it was your neighbors you had to compete with for food, water and shelter.

Around 10, 000 BC(earth time) between the dawn of earths bronze age and the fall of the Spartans at Thermopylae there was only a period of 10 standard years during which only 10% of Vulcan was not at war. Without Surak the planet would probably be noting but a band of radioactive asteroids in the second orbit out from 40 Eri.

Orion Pirates

It was never proved that it was a sun-killer bomb that made Sigma-1014 go nova, but end result was the same, the hearth world of the Inshai Compact Planets of the Southern Orion Congeries was destroyed. Etosha and depopulated ones like Duthur, formerly peaceful worlds, became home bases of the companies and guilds who degenerated over centuries into the Orion Pirates. The first electromagnetic signals from Vulcan reached Etosha, around the time of Surak’s birth. 45 years later was first contact. The universe the Vulcans had envisioned was not at all a reality. Vulcan’s expected to deal with strangers courteously and from strength. They didn’t know that their strengths were in areas that would mean nothing to, who first reached them, the Duthulhiv. Vulcan was surveyed for months by the Pirates who monitered their communication, assessing the world natural resources for market ability and learning the language. Conventional radio transmitting from a pirate scout craft several light-years outside the system was used for initial contact. The Pirates offered peaceful trade and Cultural opportunities. The first message that the Vulcans received from the Piarates was debated for several standard months, several wars were put on hold while officials conducting them were all recalled to their capitals to assist in the discussion. These officials decided that they would appear stronger if they all acted together. The date of the first physical meeting was Nine Irhheen of the Vulcan old date 1399534. Equivalent to Jan. 18-19, 22 BC. Shi’Kahr was agreed landing place for the Pirates. 523 for the Vulcans gathered there this group consisted of clan and Tribal Chieftains, Scientists and Philosophers, Priestesses, Clerics, and Merchants. The pirates met the gathering of Vulcans with phasers. Particle beam weapons killed those who tried to fight or escape and the pirates stunned those who were to be sold into slavery or held for ransom.It was a mere fluke that Surak was not there. He had had to stay at the airport facility, his air car had malfunctioned. No government would support him in his offer to go deal peace. That day half the nations on the planet were enraged at the ransom demands made by the pirates, and the other half mourned their leaders.

The next thing that happened was the ‘Ahkh war, this title denoted all wars before it to be mere tribal feuds. The Vulcans paid no ransom and if they had it would have ruined the planet. Eventually they armed their trading ships, they invented some new armaments that would not show on enemy sensors. Toward the end of 139954 (after war) another ship of Etosha arrived. It believed itself to be cloaked from Vulcan detection. The Ship can now be seen outside Te’Rikh.

S’task was one of the Vulcans at the meeting of Shi’Kahr and he was taken hostage. He is the one that organized the I ship rebellion, he broke the back of the torturer left with him, and then proceeded to break into and sabotage the ships databanks S’task then released the other hostages aboard the Pirate ship safely to Vulcan. Then crashed the vessel into the mother ship killing thousands of pirates, S’task also almost died aboard the ship too. Luckily he was later picked up in life pod, starved and half dead of dehydration, in L5 orbit.. Surak hurried to his bed, when they brought him home, to rebuke him. The first thing he said was “I have lost my best student to madness”. This is the beginning of the breaking of the Vulcan species. Surak talked to him for days trying to reason with him. S’task’s way of thinking was “the only way to meet another species, obviously barbaric, was in power to match their own – power blatantly exhibited, and violently, if necessary.” S’task began to spread his ideas via the mindtrees (Vulcan information networks). After a time his views spread without him, although Surak always had a much greater support base. Riots Began in 139955. Several small cities were wrecked or burned. Surak was almost killed in one such riot near Neichie while trying to deal peace to those who didn’t want it.

Romulan Seperation

S’task led more than eighty thousand Vulcan’s into space searching for a place where they could practice their beliefs in what passed for peace among them. The Romulans were not persecuted on Vulcan but were gladly and angrily self-exiled. The eighty thousand were the first Rihannsu. Less than 18,000 of them finally made it to planet fall ch’Rihan. There were 2000 years between Planet fall and the time they reinvented the spacecraft in order to deal with the federation their new enemies.

Surak said “the structure of space time is more concerned with means then ends: beginnings must be clean to be of profit.” S’task strongly believed in this. S’task suggested that those dissatisfied with Vulcan should take the alien technology the Orions had accidentally brought them, add it to their own, and find themselves a new world. On this world they would be able to preserve, in anyway the saw fit, the things they loved. Arguments went on for fifty years while the fartravel ships were being built. On 12 Ahhar 140005 the first ship, Rea’s Helm, left orbit. S’task led more than eighty thousand Vulcan’s into space searching for a place where they could practice their beliefs in what passed for peace among them. The Romulans were not persecuted on Vulcan but were gladly and angrily self-exiled. Those eighty thousand were the first Rihannsu. Less than 18,000 of them finally made it to planet fall ch’Rihan. There were 2000 years between Planet fall and the time they reinvented the spacecraft in order to deal with the federation their new enemies.
The last message from the ship to planet was a piece of Vulcan poetry:
Enthrone your pasts:
this done, fire and old blood
will find you again:
Better hearts’ breaking
than worlds’.

When Surak died this piece of poetry was found among his things:
Dethrone your pasts:
this done, day comes up new
though empty hearted:
O the long silence,
My son.

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