Random Ramblings

1 Conversation

What's new pussycat? Woah, Woah

Uuups, sorry, got carried away there. But I have to do something to
wake up properly after only a few hours of sleep, and the question
really is: what's new on hootoo? Well, nothing much as it
seems1. The mouse2 had
gone awol but is back, we seem to have some more guide entries on
Coming up again, oh, and I got the
Quote of the Day the other day with a really banal post.

The case of 'You know who3' that has made the headlines for months now and
which certainly splits the nation in two factions, not only in the UK,
but here in Germany too, can't really be discussed because there are
too many things that mustn't be mentioned. Result: there are nearly
more moderated posts than posts that are allowed to stay onsite. This
makes it very difficult to follow the conversation if you're not
online 24/7. But then maybe it's typical for the forum? I should
probably have known better than to venture there. Other topics which
are being discussed on Ask are gmail ethics yet again, Chinese words in English as well
as various others like Recycling
, Economy problems of
the Northern Rock
or the Car
Ban Proposal
, the last three all being UK-centric but
interesting nonetheless.

If you think all of the above are too serious for your taste, why
don't you check out Miscellaneous Chat,
or, for those who like a challenge, The Quite
Interesting Society

Various researchers now have a Facebook account, there's a rapidly
growing group of hootooers on there.
If you want to know what it is all about, you can find some
information here: myspace or
. If, like Mu, you prefer to go to the pub though, it
could earn you a QotD.

Random Ramblings


20.09.07 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1Which doesn't exactly make writing this column
2Read: Fizzymouse.3No, not Lord

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