A Conversation for Stairway to Heaven
Rolf Harris
Phil Started conversation Mar 1, 2000
Rolf has released a version of this classic song. He did it for an Australian TV show (which aparently asks ALL guests to do this cover).
Before doing the song he had never heard it and asked for the sheet music rather than a copy of the tune.
Rolf Harris
G Posted Mar 1, 2000
Rolf's version (released about 1994 in the UK I think) is one of the best cover versions ever. While Stairway isn't a bad song, I think that as soon as a song reaches the status where people say 'Oh, that's a classic, you can't touch that', it needs something to remind you that it's only a song. And what a good reminder, containing classic lines like:
Rolf: "Ooh, it makes me wonder. How does it affect you blokes?"
Band: "Ooh, it makes us wonder."
Rolf: "Funny, that."
And, of course the album he released after that hit contained his seminal version of Walk On The Wild Side, in which the girls go, "Do de-do de-do didgeri-do de-do de-do". Ah, the good old days.
Rolf Harris
Munchkin Posted Mar 1, 2000
Heh, heh, can you tell what it is yet?
He has done many a cover of late, including a surprisingly straight Perfect Day and Hey, Bulldog with what sounds like a rabid Jack Russell.
Then again, Two Little Boys, live, brings a tear to the eye. Or possibly that was the alcohol
Rolf Harris
Tube - the being being back for the time being Posted Mar 1, 2000
Actually the the TV-show which featured all the cover versions of Stairway To Heaven was called "The money or the gun", aired by the ABC. Eventually a whole CD full of these emerged, which incudes the Rolf Harris version, John Paul Young, Barry Crocker and the Doug Anthony Allstars, Sydney Philharmoina and Leonard Teale to name a few of the 22. The thing's been released by Vertigo (Triple J Music) and goes by the numer 514 552-2; the Rolf Harris/Australian Doors Show single goes by Vercd 73. 'Share and Enjoy'
Rolf Harris
Gandalf ( Got my own Comp Now!! Still Redundant!! ) Posted Aug 7, 2000
Call me baised if you wish, but muy opinion is that it was pure
SACRELIDGE for Mr Harris to even THINK about covering Led Zep!!
Rolf's version DID go down like a Lead Zepplin to my way of thinking!!
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Rolf Harris
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