A Conversation for Shaving
Researcher 201516 Started conversation Aug 26, 2002
Some corrections:
1) This is my own PERSONAL opinion ONLY - but a straight or open razor is the only way to go. Those newfangled MachIIIs can shave too close, leading to ingrown hairs, etc. whereas the open razor shaves to the skin - so you get a really close, really sharp shave, every time.
2) Second of all, the order is - hot shower, and/or apply hot face towel, apply pre-shave oil (rub against the grain to lift the hairs) - then apply glycerin based shave soap, lathered with a brush. Use circular motions. The badger hairs actually exfoliate the face, preventing ingrown hair - and lifts the hair, putting foam around each shaft. Wait two minutes for the soap to soften the hair. The heat of the shower and hot towel opens up the pores and makes the hairs stand out.
3) Then, you shave WITH the grain. This does not necessarily mean down- on my own face, the hairs grow diagonally around the chin area, and sideways at the adam's apple/throat. Stretch the skin you are shaving.
4) Then, if you wish, relather, and shave ACROSS or (if you're not prone to ingrown hairs) AGAINST the grain.
5) This is the most important part - the water you use to splash everything off your face should be COLD. Not hot. COLD. You want those pores to clamp down hard so as to not later trap the now shaved hairs and get them to ingrow.
6) Add an after shave balm. No alcohol. You want a moisturising balm without numbing agents or alcohol. However you blade shave, you've just removed a fraction of a layer of skin. Do not dry this stuff out. The purpose of Bay Rum aftershave was to act as an antiseptic in the days when shaving was done with communal razors. You're not sharing a razor (I hope not!) so this isn't an issue, right?
7) Admire smooth as silk face.
8) Use a different razor tomorrow. Razors need at least 24 hrs rest before stropping, and 48 is best.
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