A Conversation for Kellogg's Cornflakes

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 21

Wand'rin star

Presumably, like mangoes, this regime leaves brown stains on the sheets - a definite turn-off to anyone you might wish to temporarily share your solitude, thus returning to the abstinence theme of this threadsmiley - sadface

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 22


Yeah, Marilu is supposed to be either lactose-intolerant or just one of those people that thinks drinking cow's milk is evil.

I saw her on Letterman a few times, rambling on like she's on amphetamines, but then if she's big on colonics, you could understand her being in a hurry. smiley - smiley

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 23

Boys and Cake Girl

God, life's a vicious circle. I think I'm going to cry.

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 24


Oy! I'm a vegan y'know! I'm one of those strange, animal rights type folk who don't consume any animal products for ethical reasons.... There's nowt wrong with t'soya "replacement for dairy milk" as the E.U. have ordained it's now called... smiley - smiley

However, before you all gang up on me, my husband and son drink and eat dairy products (and eat bits of dead animals too)... My 12 year old daughter is also vegan though (by her own choice).

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 25


Oh, yeah! BTW..... How my hubbie and I consume our crunchy bits in bed is ........ (Oh, no! It's 8.00 a.m. - the local call rates have gone up so I'll have to log off....) smiley - winkeye

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 26

Wand'rin star

Shouldn't you have been at the breakfast table consuming your cornflakes or have you fallen victim to the ad they ran a couple of years back about conrnflakes being a good snack for any time of day,or night?

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 27

Researcher Baz

Gwenie why dont you drink milk
Dont get me wrong i respect youre way of life but what harm dose drinking milk do ?

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 28

Trigger Vorbs

Does it have something to do with the fact that cows are fed hormones to make their bodies think they are permanently pregnant so they will continue to produce milk?

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 29

Trigger Vorbs

What's the matter? Does the noise in your head drown out the voices? That's the only reason I could think of to eat soggy cornflakes. You might as well suck on the box - it's probably just as nutritious.

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 30

Trigger Vorbs

The story goes that when Coke first came out it contained cocaine, and therefore was a kind of "Brain Tonic" as advertised. But maybe this is an urban myth - anyone know?

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 31


*Sigh* I don't really like to get on my little soap box as my husband has to drag me off once I get started... smiley - winkeye

Leave now if you don't want to be bored to tears folks! smiley - smiley

The dairy industry is directly related to the meat industry. Not only do I object the the farming methods employed in the way of hormones which keep the cows producing un-natural quantities milk until they're "clapped out" by the time they're five and suffer mastitis frequently in their short lives, but to keep producing milk, the cows have to bear a calf annually which is removed at a distressing age to both animals. If it's a male calf it is reared as either veal (kept in a crate, unable to move, in the dark and fed a diet to make it anaemic so it's flesh is pale) or reared as beef.
I could digress further into methods of farming employed, but would have to submit it as a article to the editors 'cos I'd go on and on! smiley - winkeye Besides, they wouldn't "publish" it because it would probably end up as a "rant"! smiley - smiley

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 32

Boys and Cake Girl

Apparently the whole coke/cocaine thing is true. It wasn't made an illegal drug in Britain until after W.W.1. At the start of a 'push' over the top in the trenches, they gave the ordinary soldiers brandy and the officers cocaine. Also Queen Victoria is alledged to have been fond of a bit, as she was smoking dope. AND Winston Churchill is supposed to have spent the whole of W.W.2 on it to keep him awake...but I'm surprised he wasn't thinner then as it's an appetite destroyer. OH, I should add, I only know all this because I love anecdotal history, not cos I'm some mad drugs fiend. So it does all make sense I suppose.

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 33


Yes, I'd heard that about the early versions of Coca Cola too. I didn't realise that "Winnie" had been hooked on it though! You learn something every day! smiley - smiley

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 34

Robotron, formerly known as Robyn Graves and before that, GreyRose

I heard somewhere recently that colonics are supposed to be bad for you. But if Marilu wants something that will keep her bowels moving, she should try those new-fangled chips (or crisps, for the Brits) made with olestra. Someone told me that some friends of theirs ate a whole bag while on a long distance trip, and it wasn't very pleasant.

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 35

Boys and Cake Girl

If you want bits of trivia, just ask. It almost like gossiping and I love it.smiley - winkeye

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 36

Robotron, formerly known as Robyn Graves and before that, GreyRose

What's funny is that I had actually heard about Churchill using cocaine, and I'm a stupid American. smiley - winkeye

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 37

Boys and Cake Girl

But he's a bit of a god over here for some poeple. Saying bad things about him is like farting in church.

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 38

Robotron, formerly known as Robyn Graves and before that, GreyRose

I could see why he would be regarded that way. Roosevelt is revered here, but probably not as much, since most young Americans don't know anything about history. I don't know if FDR did any drugs, but he did have extra-marital affairs. And rumor has it that Elanore (that is spelled so wrong) was bisexual.

Cornflakes, the essential aid to abstinence

Post 39

Boys and Cake Girl

REALLY!! See, I've never heard that either. The Churchill thing is mostly those who remember the war though; it seems to be something this country is unable to get over. (It's one of my hobby horses so I won't start or I'll never stop!) But I did also read that he had this great plan to mustard gas the whole of Ireland if the nazi's had invaded there, which was definatly some drug fuelled madness.

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